Pupil Voice

Our school greatly values the opinions of the pupils. Pupil Voice is a council comprising 10 different posts. The aim is to give pupils the opportunity to take responsibility for and engage in the continual development of the school and the services it provides. Some of the council members are elected by the classes whilst others are subject to a successful written application and an interview.

Recent improvements driven by the pupils include changing the school personal reward system, developing inter-house sport, modernising the school grounds and purchasing more lunchtime play equipment.


Our council is made up of sports leaders, house captains and play leaders.


We asked our children what kind of person they want to be when they leave Quainton. Here are their answers in a word cloud!


Please see the results of our most recent Pupil well-being survey in July 2o23:


15 children were selected randomly across all classes.

Pupil Questionnaire
  Always Most of the time Sometimes Never    
I enjoy school 7 5 3 0    
My school is a good school 9 5 1 0    
My school work is interesting 6 6 3 0    
I feel safe when I am at school. 8 5 2 0    
I learn a lot in lessons. 7 7 1 0    
The school teachers and staff are friendly and helpful. 9 5 1 0    
Behaviour at my school is good. 4 9 2 0    
Adults are interested in my views and opinions. 9 6 0 0    
I know how well I am doing at school. 7 6 2 0    
Adults take time to help me improve 10 3 2 0    
The head teacher and staff do a good job 12 3 0 0    
Teachers and staff treat us fairly. 7 7 1 0    
The school is clean and tidy. 5 9 1 0    
Lessons are interesting and fun 7 5 3 0    
I enjoy the trips and school activities. 13 2 0 0    
I am trusted to do things on my own. 10 4 1 0    
There is an adult I can go to if I feel worried. 9 5 1 0    
I feel safe in the playground 8 6 1 0    
I ask when I don't understand something. 6 7 2 0    
I have lots of fun in school. 7 6 2 0    


Pupil Voice

Our school greatly values the opinions of the pupils. Pupil Voice is a council comprising 10 different posts. The aim is to give pupils the opportunity to take responsibility for and engage in the continual development of the school and the services it provides. Some of the council members are elected by the classes whilst others are subject to a successful written application and an interview.

Recent improvements driven by the pupils include changing the school personal reward system, developing inter-house sport, modernising the school grounds and purchasing more lunchtime play equipment.


Our council is made up of sports leaders, house captains and play leaders.


We asked our children what kind of person they want to be when they leave Quainton. Here are their answers in a word cloud!


Please see the results of our most recent Pupil well-being survey in July 2o23:


15 children were selected randomly across all classes.

Pupil Questionnaire
  Always Most of the time Sometimes Never    
I enjoy school 7 5 3 0    
My school is a good school 9 5 1 0    
My school work is interesting 6 6 3 0    
I feel safe when I am at school. 8 5 2 0    
I learn a lot in lessons. 7 7 1 0    
The school teachers and staff are friendly and helpful. 9 5 1 0    
Behaviour at my school is good. 4 9 2 0    
Adults are interested in my views and opinions. 9 6 0 0    
I know how well I am doing at school. 7 6 2 0    
Adults take time to help me improve 10 3 2 0    
The head teacher and staff do a good job 12 3 0 0    
Teachers and staff treat us fairly. 7 7 1 0    
The school is clean and tidy. 5 9 1 0    
Lessons are interesting and fun 7 5 3 0    
I enjoy the trips and school activities. 13 2 0 0    
I am trusted to do things on my own. 10 4 1 0    
There is an adult I can go to if I feel worried. 9 5 1 0    
I feel safe in the playground 8 6 1 0    
I ask when I don't understand something. 6 7 2 0    
I have lots of fun in school. 7 6 2 0    


Pupil Voice

Our school greatly values the opinions of the pupils. Pupil Voice is a council comprising 10 different posts. The aim is to give pupils the opportunity to take responsibility for and engage in the continual development of the school and the services it provides. Some of the council members are elected by the classes whilst others are subject to a successful written application and an interview.

Recent improvements driven by the pupils include changing the school personal reward system, developing inter-house sport, modernising the school grounds and purchasing more lunchtime play equipment.


Our council is made up of sports leaders, house captains and play leaders.


We asked our children what kind of person they want to be when they leave Quainton. Here are their answers in a word cloud!


Please see the results of our most recent Pupil well-being survey in July 2o23:


15 children were selected randomly across all classes.

Pupil Questionnaire
  Always Most of the time Sometimes Never    
I enjoy school 7 5 3 0    
My school is a good school 9 5 1 0    
My school work is interesting 6 6 3 0    
I feel safe when I am at school. 8 5 2 0    
I learn a lot in lessons. 7 7 1 0    
The school teachers and staff are friendly and helpful. 9 5 1 0    
Behaviour at my school is good. 4 9 2 0    
Adults are interested in my views and opinions. 9 6 0 0    
I know how well I am doing at school. 7 6 2 0    
Adults take time to help me improve 10 3 2 0    
The head teacher and staff do a good job 12 3 0 0    
Teachers and staff treat us fairly. 7 7 1 0    
The school is clean and tidy. 5 9 1 0    
Lessons are interesting and fun 7 5 3 0    
I enjoy the trips and school activities. 13 2 0 0    
I am trusted to do things on my own. 10 4 1 0    
There is an adult I can go to if I feel worried. 9 5 1 0    
I feel safe in the playground 8 6 1 0    
I ask when I don't understand something. 6 7 2 0    
I have lots of fun in school. 7 6 2 0