Pupil Premium




Pupil Premium is funding which a school receives in addition to the main school budget. It is provided by the government with its purpose being to help schools narrow the attainment gap which has been shown to exist between pupils from low-income and more affluent backgrounds. The funding is available to pupils eligible for free school meals, pupils who have a guardianship or residency order and those from service families. The schools are free to choose how to spend the Pupil Premium in order to best support their pupils. In cases where pupils are not making expected progress or are not yet meeting their national age-related expectations, the Pupil Premium is used to provide academic support to boost their attainment. Where pupil attainment is good, it is used to enrich their learning through funding non-academic activities, such as improving mental and physical health, which are also of benefit to other pupils.


The Department for Education expects all schools to report annually on their use of the Pupil Premium. Please click on the government link below to learn more about funding:




Pupil Premium Allocation

In accordance with government guidance, we allocate our Pupil Premium to the following means of academic support and school enrichment activities:

  • Learning resources to support individual pupils.
  • Provision of one-to-one phonics intervention.
  • Extra-curricular sports clubs and activities before and after school, such as our breakfast club.
  • After School Club run by Exposure Sport, an external provider of children’s coaching programmes and after school care.
  • Residential and educational trips.
  • Zones of Regulation' a programme aimed at improving pupils’ emotional well-being and social skills.
  • A pastoral suppot worker to aid children woth social and emotional concerns
  • Vouchers for parents on low-income for spending on school equipment and uniform.
  • Additional learning resources for the teaching of maths, reading, writing, spelling and phonics.
  • Various staff training programmes: supporting children with autism, teaching methods in core subjects (maths, reading, writing, spelling and phonics) and the use of new learning resources and technologies.

Please click on the links below for further information about our Pupil Premium.

Statement & Reports

Pupil_premium_statement 2023 2024.docx .docx
Pupil_premium_statement Review of 2022 23.docx .docx
Pupil_premium_statement 2023.pdf .pdf
CatchuppremiumJan2021.pdf .pdf