The governing body of Quainton Church of England School is made up of nine members from the local community and we have different professional backgrounds. We are all very passionate about the school and the children. We are highly involved in school life and actively seek to promote the broader aims of the school in the community.
Our Governors:
Katie Smith - (Teaching & Learning, Safeguarding, SEN and Early Years Governor)
James Sloane (Vice Chair of the Resources Committee, Performance Management, Development and Health and Safety)
James Vernon (Headteacher)
Karen Barber (Year 3 class teacher, Well-being and Personal Development governor)
Reverend Steve Flashman - (foundation governor).
Lauren Moore (Co-opted governor, Finance)
Keeley Ashby (Nutrition. sport premium, EYFS, teaching and Learning, Pupil Premium and Co-opted governor)
Carla Garrad (Co-opted)
Aaron Francis (Parent)
Clerk to the Governing Body - Emma Burley
We meet several times a year and records of our attendance are detailed below.
If you have any questions, we can be contacted via the school office:
Telephone: 01296 655242