Overview of maths from EYFS to Year 6


Maths Progression Grid 2023 2024


Calculation Policy


Maths Action Plan 23/24 - Please note that this is a working document.


Multiplication Overview


“It is clear that the chief end of mathematical study must be to make the students think.” – John Wesley Young

Maths at home

We wanted to share a couple of maths resources with you that you can access at home. As a school, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme, and it has worked wonders for the children at Quainton. There are a range of free resources available through White Rose that you can make use of at home to support your children.

Free workbooks
Here's a great way for your primary-aged child to enjoy maths at home. White Rose’s FREE workbooks for Years 1 - 6 give children and parents an extra tool for enjoying maths together.


Times Table Practice

https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school    Click on this link for Times Tables Rockstars

Times Tables fluency is key to support children to access a range of different mathematical concepts, from manipulating fractions to scaling problems. Times Tables Rockstars provides an excellent opportunity for children to practise their multiplication facts in a range of different games where they can compete with one another (and even against members of staff!

Our multiplication programme in school provides children with a number of opportunities to learn their times tables facts, in particular in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Table Check (or MTC). One element that is used to great effect is the use of a range of songs. Here are some links to some YouTube channels that we use in school to support the teaching of Times Tables (please note that, though these links are checked regularly, they will take you to an external website that we have no control over). Please see our Multiplication Overview above to see more information on our approach to the teaching of times tables facts.


