We just love to meet new people! The PTA is always looking for willing helpers or new committee members to support in the organisation and planning of funding-raising events throughout the year.
If you think you might be able to help at some point in the future, email us with your contact details so we can add you to our bank of volunteers who we call upon at times. We have a WhatsApp group of ‘willing helpers’, when needed we will send out a request for help message, if you can help - great! If not, there’s always next time!
We are a friendly group of parents who are committed to raising those extra funds for our school that make all the difference to the education of our children, whilst having fun at the same time! Please come and join us!
To contact the PTA about our next meeting or to volunteer as a ‘willing helper’ or committee member, please email quainton.pta@gmail.com or speak to a member of the PTA.