𓆮Welcome to Year One!𓆮
Autumn 1

Homework information

very Friday, a new list of spelling words will be on PurpleMash for your child to practise for the following Friday's test.

The spelling words will correlate with the sounds we have been learning in class that week.

Reading is always very praised in our class!
The reading book your child brings home matches the phonics sounds they have been learning in school and all suit their ability.
Please try to read with your child at least 3 times a week and log this in their record. 
This will be greatly appreciated and will really support your childs' reading progress.

If a child reads their book 3+ times, they move up our reading ladder and get a special visit to our class library!

Your child has been given a login for the PurpleMash website. 
Each week, there will be a task set that matches what we have been focusing on to consolidate their learning. 
The task will be set every Friday and is due the following Thursday.


Thank you for your support :) 


Phonics Screening Check

The phonics screening check is taken individually by all children in Year 1 in England, usually taken in June. It is designed to give teachers and parents information on how your child is progressing in phonics. It will help to identify whether your child needs additional support at this stage so that they do not fall behind in this vital early reading skill. 
It is not a stressful situation as the teacher will be well-equipped to listen and understand your child’s level of skills.

For the last few years, the threshold mark (or pass standard) set by the government has been 32 correct answers out of 40. If any child does not pass, they will be supported and take the following years test, when they are in Year 2.

Autumn 1

Maths Overview

Y1 Tricky Words


Geography Autumn 1


Science Autumn 1
